Thursday, July 28, 2005

A good news day

No, I don't really have any good news in my life, but there is some very good/weird news today.

1)The barfing student - what an incredibly useful talent to have. And what lawyer couldn't create reasonable doubt that he meant to do this?

2) The bad writer - I have a goal which is clearly in my reach for next year (and if I don't win, can I submit a prisoner's brief?)

3) The lying juror - The only jury I've been on, I also tried my hardest to get on. I had a union job at a grocery store at the time and would get paid by my job to go to jury duty so I really wanted on. I didn't lie however, instead I just said nothing which seemed to work well. After a one day trial, we deliberated for over 3 days on a couple of misdemeanor counts. Take a wild guess who the foreman was?


Gold Nugget said...

Hey man i thought you know who goldnugget was? What up man, how u doing

Gold Nugget said...

AKA el Presidente

chardrian said...

El ex-presidente.
I can't complain. Gotta office with a window now - if I really crook my neck I can say a chunk of Lake Monona. Insurance kicks in on Monday - but damn they actually make me do some work here.

Que onda with you? Where you at, where you working?

Anonymous said...

I work full time prowling the states for gold nuggets

- Gold Nugget a.k.a PCG

Gold Nugget said...

I too have an office with a window doing pi and WC if u dont know what that stands for, better do some reading. JK. Workers comp and Personal Injury, it's good here and the fam is good, my wife and three kids did u know i have a new one at home?