Monday, April 25, 2005

Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmm finger in chili

First there was nutri-loaf, now there is the Wendy's finger in the chili. I remember in Torts my first year of law school, the professor asked a question more or less on the lines of how much would it be worth for you to have something horrible happen to your body. I think the case had something to do with a lady having throat surgery that went horribly wrong and her having to have a piece of her intestines used as her esophagus which made her have to manually squeeze the food down her new intestinal throat and caused other discomfort as well as embarassment. But the same could definitely be said for how much would it take to have your finger chopepd off. I also remember the class being somewhat awed/dismayed at how lof of a figure I would do this for, but I guess that's another story. Anyways finger lady has now been arrested, but the even more interesting story remains unsolved - whose finger was this and how much was it worth to chop it off?

p.s. just for kicks I think the comments section should be used to state your figures for both an intestinal throat and a chopped off finger.


chardrian said...

Intestinal throat - I originally said $ 1 million, I might up that up a bit now but not by much. I would just want enough to ensure that I would not have to work ever again if I didn't want to. I would also want all future medical costs paid for.

Finger chopped off. Again of course there are a variety of arguments here - which finger, how much of the finger etc. But this one I think I would be fairly low - maybe 50 thousand. Again medical costs would have to be taken care, I would also have to be pretty drunk and it would have to be a swift cut (under anastheisa would be most preferable and would give my lowest pay point).

Anonymous said...

Chopped off finger? At least a cool million... at least!

- Yoni

chardrian said...

A million for a finger!! Hell for that much, I don't even think I'd need the liquor or anesthesia. One digit down, nine to go is what I would be thinking.

The intestinal throat - ok it would suck, but the John Irving side of me also thinks it would be sorta cool - I think if it was done right you could easily get invites to Letterman, etc.